and we're on..

Sustainable Business Award entry

MSA is participating this year in the NZI National Sustainable Business Awards! We're super excited to be able to enter and of course, we're hoping to win one of the categories. We entered Mega Efficiency, Community and Renewables.

The short list is announced in November. Finger's crossed!

Some details:
"The NZI National Sustainable Business Network Awards, which are now in their 12th year, are the pre-eminent and longest-standing sustainable business awards in New Zealand. They recognise and celebrate the efforts of businesses and individuals that have demonstrated progress in sustainability and are reshaping their business models for a more sustainable future."
More on the website.



new website

This is it folks! The real MSA website, reflecting our character and our product, the MSA home. She was quite some time in the making but as of today she goes live in a beta-style. That means we value your opinions and ideas and would love to hear your comments. So Look around, tell us what you like and what you don't.  How can we make it better?





news: 7 July 2014
Things are progressing well in all areas at the moment, although we are still in the thows of meeting building compliance. The building code was put in place for traditional building, which we are not. The irony in this situation is however, that we exceed the code in every aspect, yet have to somehow squeeze into their framework of regulations in order to get compliance and thus be allowed to construct the prototype. How we do this, is by proving that the MSA systems work, which of course takes time and financial resources, which we are currently working on.